St. Joseph Fun Days will be held May 30 & 31, June 1, 2025 at St. Joseph Parish in Marion. Join us for 3 family fun-filled days of carnival rides, games, live music, food and more!
Parking: (Parking attendants will be available to assist)
Church’s parking lot
Grass field south of the school
Handicapped parking will be available along the school on the south end of the parish parking lot.
Parking for Masses Saturday 4:00 PM Mass (greatest parking concern) Sunday at 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM
Plan extra time for attendance that evening.
Handicapped parking, the regular stalls designated in the church parking lot for such will be operative as well as along the school at the south end of the parking lot. However, there is no guarantee all will be available.
Traffic Flow Traffic flow will be reconfigured for Fun Days on various roads around the church.
14th St. from McGowan past the school one way running south.
Surrounding streets within a two block radius of the church will accommodate parking on one side of the street.