The sacrament of reconciliation offers an opportunity for forgiveness and conversion from sin and is one of the Sacraments of Healing (along with Anointing of the Sick). Through confession and penance, we encounter the healing mercy of God and are joined in communion with the Church (CCC 1440).
Reconciliation opportunities:
At St. Joseph, baptized children begin preparation for First Reconciliation just before preparing for First Communion, typically in the fall of second grade. Preparation for this sacrament involves instruction for the student during Catholic school or Youth Faith Formation classes, and includes parental instruction lead by the parish in order to facilitate further learning at home with supplied materials. To register, please contact JoAnn Starr, Coordinator of Youth Faith Formation, at [email protected], or by phone at 319.377.8402.
Adults who are interested in receiving First Reconciliation are invited to contact Deacon Dennis Ternes at 319.377.4869 or [email protected].