There are many opportunities to use your gifts through volunteering at St. Joseph. Volunteers are pivotal to the success of ministry at our parish. If you would like to give of your time and talents, please see below for varous volunteer opportunities.
The Youth Faith Formation program requires many volunteers for the success of this ministry. Volunteers can serve as catechists, classroom assistants, childcare workers, or project assistants. If you are interested in helping with YFF, please call the Youth Faith Formation office at 319.377.8402 or contact JoAnn Starr at [email protected]
Students preparing for the sacrament of confirmation are paired with a sponsor who prays for them and mentors them through this journey of faith. If you are interested in finding out more about being a confirmation sponsor, please contact Kristen Perreault at or 319.377.8402.
Help feed the hungry! Every second Monday of the month, the St. Joseph Social Justice Committee & friends collaborate to provide a meal for 25 children and adults staying at the St. John of the Cross Catholic Worker House in Cedar Rapids. Sign up to provide part of a meal, then drop off your ready-to-eat contribution at St. Joseph Catholic Church (main front doors) between 4:00-4:30pm on that second Monday. Our volunteer transporter will leave St. Joe's at 4:30pm to ensure that all the dinner components will arrive by 5pm.
To sign up, click HERE.
Funerals that take place at our parish are typically followed by a luncheon, with the food and hospitality being provided by the parish. Volunteers are scheduled to bring a salad or dessert to help provide for these luncheons and, therefore, serve the families and friends of the deceased. If you are interested in helping bring food for funeral luncheons, please contact the parish office.
OCIA is the process through which people enter into the Catholic Church as adults. As participants walk this faith journey, practicing Catholics are invited to walk with them, mentoring them through the process. These sponsors have the privilege of supporting those in the OCIA process through prayer and encouragement.
There is also an opportunity to help those in OCIA by offering hospitality, which means providing snacks for an evening, Thursday session.
If you are interested in assisting with OCIA in either of these ways, please contact Bridget Becker at [email protected]
The Environment Committee is responsible for decorating the church for various liturgical seasons and celebrations. The committee meets and completes its decorative work on an as needed basis. For more information about the environment committee, please contact Patty Kelly at [email protected].
Sponsor Couples help couples who are preparing for marriage. In marriage preparation, couples are given the option of meeting with a sponsor couple to help them grow as a couple. Sponsor couples meet with the engaged couple for six sessions, building a relationship with the couple, and discussing with them important marital topics based on a provided book. If you are interested in serving as a sponsor couple, please contact Dennis Ternes at [email protected] or 319.377.4869.